Río Bravo

by - marzo 31, 2020

Río Bravo is a city and municipality that is located in the north of the state of Tamaulipas, nearby with USA.

If you go to Río Bravo you have to visit two places, that places are "La sauteña" and "El culebron"

La sauteña

Originally called like "El sauto" and then "La sauteña", being the support historic of Rio Bravo.
This place was situated between the river Concho and the river Bravo, between the sea and the limit of with the New King Of León.
On May 10, 1913, it functioned as a prison, in the early 1940s a broom factory was installed on the ground floor, it also housed the Post office facilities in the 1940s, on the intermediate floor a Health Center was installed, in 1945 it was used as the administrative offices of the SRH.
In the age 1980 the "Exhacienda la sauteña" was unoccupied for "La secretaria de Agricultura de Recursos Hidráulicos", converting in a important part in "Biblioteca Municipal".

El culebrón and El puente negro

El culebrón it's a river that passes for the border of the city, and in this river you can see a bridge, this bridge is called El puente negro, this bridge has a history,so I will make a summary.

"El puente negro" is a cross of a railway that was constructed in the sexennium of the president of México, Miguel Alemán Valdés.

The name of the bridge is for the woods resemble the color black, it is said that the bridge was constructed for the train tracks reach a ranch called Canel in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, this train track was planned for transport cottom, but this project wasn't completed.

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